A Deeper Yoga
Christina Sell knows the difference between a surface buzz in the yoga business (for a better, more beautiful “ME”), and its roots as an ancient practice of ethical life and spiritual transformation. With over twenty-five years “on the mat,” her voice of courage and sanity has never stopped urging yoga students and teachers alike to take a deeper dive: to confront media hype about body-image and the promise of any quick-fix in favor of a lifelong commitment to wholeness and freedom. This book is both an epitome of that call, and a practical guide to ongoing self-discovery. Price includes shipping in the United States. We cannot ship internationally at this time.
Christina Sell knows the difference between a surface buzz in the yoga business (for a better, more beautiful “ME”), and its roots as an ancient practice of ethical life and spiritual transformation. With over twenty-five years “on the mat,” her voice of courage and sanity has never stopped urging yoga students and teachers alike to take a deeper dive: to confront media hype about body-image and the promise of any quick-fix in favor of a lifelong commitment to wholeness and freedom. This book is both an epitome of that call, and a practical guide to ongoing self-discovery. Price includes shipping in the United States. We cannot ship internationally at this time.
Christina Sell knows the difference between a surface buzz in the yoga business (for a better, more beautiful “ME”), and its roots as an ancient practice of ethical life and spiritual transformation. With over twenty-five years “on the mat,” her voice of courage and sanity has never stopped urging yoga students and teachers alike to take a deeper dive: to confront media hype about body-image and the promise of any quick-fix in favor of a lifelong commitment to wholeness and freedom. This book is both an epitome of that call, and a practical guide to ongoing self-discovery. Price includes shipping in the United States. We cannot ship internationally at this time.
As the author of two previous books: Yoga From the Inside Out (2003) and My Body Is a Temple (2013), Christina Sell holds an international reputation as a gifted and compassionate teacher and trainer of yoga. As a former gymnast who dealt with eating disorders and addictions in her early years, Christina knows how to redirect thoughts and habits of negative body image toward spiritual practice and inner-awakening. A Deeper Yoga is for any practitioner or teacher who wants tools and support in finding a loving, expanded relationship with his or her body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Her book is for anyone on the path of yoga. Newer yoga students will benefit from the compassionate explanations of the inner journey and find direction in building a stronger foundation of practice. Experienced yoga practitioners will find a refreshing and honest exploration of both the hype and the heart of the work. Teachers of all traditions will benefit from the ongoing reminder that yoga is not only for the body, but for transformation of consciousness and spiritual unfolding.
This is a book for the long haul! A Deeper Yoga is uniquely aimed at practitioners who initially found help from yoga, but who are now experiencing impatience, discouragement or even disillusionment. It leads the reader to yoga’s more esoteric teachings, using language without jargon or unnecessary details. The tone is compassionate, yet strong and authoritative, inviting us to empower our own deeper knowing, yet without watering down the traditional teachings.
Topics of body image, self-hatred, eating disorders, addiction and emotional imbalance are considered throughout. Christina skillfully dismantles the illusions and early conditionings that lead to unrealistic norms of perfection and empower a media-driven standard of beauty. A Deeper Yoga offers an alternative view of genuine beauty.
“Underneath and informing the techniques, schools, philosophies - beyond the poses, the breathing, the focus, the meditation - this book gives the reader hard won insight into why a yoga master practices, and how she practices. To the beginner, poses are poses, and breathing is breathing. To the yogi, they are much more than poses and breathing, and they are also a practice. To the master, they become a Way. This book will help you find that Way.”